

● 139eV FWHM Resolution @ 5.9 keV

● Silicon Thickness 500 μm

● Size 6-25mm²

● Energy Range 1Kev-40KeV 

● USB Controlled & RS232 Controlled

● No Liquid Nitrogen

The product detail

This  DPA-Si-pin-Mini detector enables extremely high energy resolution and excellent cost performance. Its high performance, small size, and low cost make it to be an ideal detector for X-ray fluorescence.



•      X-Ray     Fluorescence

•      RoHS      /      WEEE     Compliance   XRF

•      OEM      &    Special   Applications 

•      Process   Control  

•      Research


This Si-pin-Mini detector requires positive high voltage, and produces a negative preamplifier output. This is opposite of the standard SDD which requires negative high voltage and produces a positive preamplifier output. Different detector needs corresponds to different DPA hardware setting.

Use of Collimators 

Most of detectors contain internal collimators to improve spectral quality. X-rays interacting near the edges of the active volume of the detector may produce small pulses dueto partial charge collection.

For some applications, these pulses result in artifacts in the spectrum which obscure the signal of interest. The internal collimator restricts X-rays to the active volume, where clean signals are produced. Depending on the type of detector, collimators can improve peak to background(P/B), eliminate edge effects, and eliminate false peaks.

904-2, Building 2, Taihu Photon Science Park, No. 198, Jialingjiang Road, Huqiu District, Suzhou,China